Late Deals

We have some great deals for you at Anthony James Hair Salon in Halifax. These are last minute hair deals that will appear as and when we have availability.

Anthony James Hair Salon in Halifax

Anthony James Hair Salon Last Minute Deals

Enjoy some BIG discounts on Last Minute Hairdressing appointments at Anthony James Hair Salon in Halifax.

We update these Late Salon Deals regularly, so it is worth checking back often to see what's available.

These offers are available to all clients, old and new!

* Please note a skin test is required 48 hours before colour services if you haven't visited Anthony James for a colour in the last six months.

How Late Salon Deals works in 3 easy steps

We add the latest Late Deals to this page with limited numbers available and BIG discounts.

1. Review the Deals
The table above shows the deals. Click on the deal to see more info.

2. Claim a Deal
If you want to claim one of the deals and take one of the available appointments, click the deal and you will be asked for your contact info. Please complete all fields.

3. Confirm your Deal
You will get an email confirmation of your Claim (check your Spam box if not arrived in 10 minutes)
Please call the salon as soon as you have your confirmation to book your appointment.

Late Deals Notes

Please note your claim is only a request and availability is not confirmed until you call the salon.
The number of deals available and appointment times are limited - and you may not be able to choose a particular stylist .